Saturday, September 26, 2009


Oh, what a lovely Saturday morning in Studentedstadt!
Waking up to Angelique Beauvance's gorgeous rendition of My Funny Valentine, followed by a Pilates ball and trampoline workout. How much does this weekend rock?
Yes, I'm spoiled here and Munich's Studenstadt is lovely - as vibrant as Berlin's Sunflower Hostel, with added amenities such as a Getränkemarkt, local club "The Orangery", coffee shop and student bar. I'm staying in the apartment of Little Miss help save the starving children in Nambia for just a couple of weeks, and all these books on Postmodernism and Cultural Identities, in conjunction with an abundance of organic Yogi Tee are really getting me back into the student mindset. I'm itching to get stuck into my PhD.
Meanwhile, it's back onto the trampoline for a few more bounces: let's just hope this Saturday doesn't have a Homer Simpson's funpark disaster-style ending, it is looking just about perfect.

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